"Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, and teachers." -- Richard Bach
Due date for this assignment is extended until 10 April 2012 not 4 April. Finish your powerpoint first for next week presentation. All the best. For those who already send your work you can revised your work and send again your task to the correct email.
Upload in your blog and send a copy to: eppd1063set1@gmail.com
Attention: Make sure you email your assignment using the software you used to create the documents like word for microsoft word assignment and excel for microsoft excel assignment. Don't send me the pdf file.
Hope all of you are in a good health. Today blog update instruction:
Find a video clips in YouTube or what ever media regarding your topics (topic for newsletter assignment) and paste into your blog. At least one video or more.
For those who still don't start blogging or update your blog, start now. Now is week 6.
First you need to record your video using either webcam, camera or your hand phone. Make sure the video you want to post on your powerpoint is .wmv types. When your video is in that format you can directly put in your presentation.
If your video is in different format you must convert it using video converter. You can find the converter from the internet. If you want to edit you video, one way is through youtube editor. When you already have the video you must create your account in youtube and then upload the video there. After uploading you can still edit the video. Following is on how to do so. Good Luck.
Assalamualaikum and hi everyone,
This week you will learn about powerpoint presentation. The topic for your powerpoint presentation assignment is same with the topic for your newsletter.
Your presentation must consists of at least 10 pages(more than 10 is accepted).
Your presentation must have all this elements:
Slides Transitions
Pictures /Graphics
Shorts movies/ videos
Slides Number
Link or hyperlink
Custom Animations
**For videos, I want you to create your own video. For example for the fist or second slide you put your video introducing your name and the title of you presentation. The video duration should be no more then one minutes. Beside this you also can add other video related to your topic.
Marks will be given according to:
The contents (must be informative)
The creative layout and style of the
elements in Microsoft PowerPoint
Your Due date presentation is on 3 March 2012
BLOG: In your own blog, please upload
your video (1 file) and your PowerPoint presentation file (1 file) in two
separate blog entries.
EMAIL: Please don't forget to email a copy of your assignment. to the email: eppd1063set1@gmail.com after presentation.
The name highlight with yellow colour mean your blog is not registered or wrongly registered or cannot open. So you need to registered again with the correct address.