Assalamualaikum and good day to all my students...
This blog will become a medium for me to interact will all of you and also for you to get the instructions from me through out the semester. You also can learn more by using all kinds of online materials posted in this blog. Hopefully you will enjoy this class.
You also will develop your own blog because all the assignments must be submitted in your blog. So I can access and view your assignment from your blog. Beside that I also can see your progress in UKM throughout the semester. So you must update and post something on your blog. At least three posting a week.
Your first posting must be about yourself. You can include pictures or videos related to your self. Make it creative and interesting to read. After that you can start post in your blog weekly. There are three categories of posting you can post in your blog. 1) Journal of your life 2) Your Interest 3) Your Assignment 4) Posting related to theoritical part (e.g.: thing you learn in first week lecture, computer, Information system or technology you used or see in your daily life). Put a label for each posting.
For this purpose, first you must create your blogs and then register your blog address (URL) in the form provided in my blog. Finally at the end of semester, your blog will become your website assignment.
If you need more information you can contact me through contact
information provided. Click contact info page on the top of this blog for the
detail. You can also ask a question in comment below each post
Good luck, all the best and enjoy blogging...